How proximity cards can be used to keep educational facilities safe and secure

clip_image002Colleges and universities present unique security challenges, and it can feel like trying to protect a small city at times with lots of different departments, each requiring different levels of security. Combine this with the need to keep unauthorised individuals out, whilst at the same time letting in upwards of 30,000 people to the universities facilities, and you can quickly find yourself in a logistical nightmare.

Clearly, it’s not possible to manually check each individual entrant, as this would not only be time consuming but also extremely costly. At the same time you can’t just give anyone access to facilities filled with expensive equipment and sensitive information. This is a key reason why more and more universities are starting to take advantage of the opportunities offered through proximity cards to keep educational environments safe and secure.

Proximity smart cards are used in the same respect as contact smart cards. Information from the card is systematically compared against a controlled list in order to identify whether or not access should be granted. The cards offer the added convenience and speed of simply swiping the card as you walk through rather than having to insert the card into a reader. Applications for this type of access control have been growing; electronic passports, vending, parking tolls and increasingly student identification are all common applications for proximity cards.

Installing proximity cards will not only take pressure off the logistical side of running colleges and universities, but also prove to be a great source of student satisfaction, providing a heightened feeling of safety whilst also offering a much higher level of convenience for students wanting to access the facilities than more traditional methods of security. In the case of proximity cards, access security has no invasive or threatening aspects, and it can even be aesthetically pleasing. What could be simpler than walking up to a door and walking in, just as if it was unlocked?

The big advantage of proximity cards lies in its simplicity. There are no moving parts, no user wear and no slots to maintain. The reader can be concealed inside walls or special enclosures or mounted alongside turnstiles. Proximity cards are much less prone to physical damage or loss, saving you money in reduced card replacement cost, and again, much more convenience for the end user.

At Gateway Automation Ltd, we have looked at how to further strengthen our range of high quality, low cost security access solutions, and proximity cards are just one of the ways in which access can be controlled. For more information about our different access control solutions, please visit

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Why automated bollards might be the right choice for you

Automatic bollardsDid you know that bollards have been used as a method of managing traffic flows for almost 300 years? Designed to guide traffic and protect sensitive areas, bollards have come a long way since first being introduced, when many were constructed from disused cannon barrels buried into the ground. Although these rudimentary prototypes helped to inspire the design of modern bollards that are frequently seen in many of the UK’s towns and cities today, modern day bollards are completely different, having evolved into the highly functional, reliable, automated systems that Gateway now use. But what makes automated bollards the right choice for you?

Sometimes there comes a need to be able to quickly open up areas of access that have previously been blocked off by bollards. The flexibility offered by an automated bollard system means that they are able to fit seamlessly into any new or existing pedestrian areas, allowing them to block off unauthorised traffic whilst staying flexible to the needs of those that require access to the area. Often, these types of bollards prove useful when enforcing traffic rules that are time related. This flexibility can be seen in action throughout the UK with automated bollard systems fast becoming the preferred method of traffic control in city centres.

Typically, for those businesses that are exposed to the public eye, there is a need to maintain good aesthetics, whilst also ensuring both security and preventing unauthorised access. With a sleek stainless steel design contributing to the visual quality of both the building and landscape, coupled with the functionality of more traditional bollard systems, automated systems could be a good choice for businesses looking to control vehicle access whilst keeping up good appearances.

Automated systems bring about excellent performance benefits to those employing this type of access security. Automated bollards take just 6 seconds to complete their cycle from blocking off access to allowing entrants, and provide the necessary protection and security whilst ensuring that the day to day running of the business is not held up waiting for these bollards to allow entry to the premises. The added convenience offered through an automated system saves both time and money as it can be fully integrated with access control equipment, traffic lights and ground loops, which opens up the options of unmanned access points. In addition, in the event of an emergency or power failure they can be lowered manually.

Automated bollards are just one of the security systems we offer, but we understand that every need is different. Hopefully this has helped to inform you of what automated bollards might offer to you, but for more information visit